Saturday, December 08, 2007

Back When

I was scanning pictures for an old high school friend. Things got out of hand and I started scanning a bunch of other pics from the past.

-Chris and I for a Christmas card. He's in leiderhosen! and I'm blonde.

-Becky and I at a baseball game.
-Chris pulling me, hooked with twine at Gpa/Gma's wonderful paved driveway. I turned brunette by now.
-Dressed up as Raggedy Ann for Halloween. And the great German Shepherd, Schultz.

-The grandkids on the trampoline at Gma/Gpa's house: Chris, Katie, Becky, Joe, Jeremy and John. And many, many more to come...

-I love this picture. Chris and I were protesting because we didn't want our picture taken.
-And then little Beth came.

-Our 8th grade class. Yep, that's the entire 8th grade. Debbie, Missy, Sr. Margaret, Katie and Aaron.
-And one of the high school pics. This is Aaron and I four years later as leads in Guys and Dolls.

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