Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Surfers, the Beach and the End

-The last day on the island was all about beaches. We wanted local flavor, so we turned to this exit, with the great stone carving, to Isabel.
-A nice little place on the beach.

-Michelle and I....
-...really liked the beach.

-These were some great sea birds to watch. I'm still trying to find out what these are...Magnificent Frigatebirds???
-They hung around the fisherman quite a bit!
-Just down the way was a lagoon where people swam and giant crashing surfer waves.
-Sandy was very excited

-We found this little sea urchin type thing while wading in the water.
-It was pretty neat since the waves would crash, but you were totally safe from this little fishing boat.
-Sandy and I walked down the beach (and got sunburned) and found one lone surfer. Time to try to find others.
-After some food and cooling down with flavored ice, it was off to Maria's beach in Rincon.
-We watched the surfers for a long, long time. It was really great.
-It was a nice beach, too.

-Okay, now watch this guy - up the wave.
-And then right over!
-Not going to take the credit. Sandy took this great pic.
-One more surfer picture. The island in the back is Isla Mona. It's pretty wild and you need to plan well in advance with a guide to go over there. Some people have died of dehydration trying to explore on their own. There's wildlife and one description said something about crawling through a cave and finding yourself at a 100 foot drop at the light at the end. Wow.
-Playa Maria's is THE surfer hangout.
-And here's Rincon's lighthouse.

-The local fast food. There was a huge potential storm and we couldn't find any roadside stuff, so we finally stopped at The Tacomaker. Giant avalanches, hump trays and slow service. It was quite the experience.
And that's the end of our trip. It was quick, but fun. The heat from the sunburns lasted for a long time!

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