Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lilacs, Butterflies and Parades, Oh My!

-Warmer weather is finally coming our way. Everything's coming out and blooming finally! And some great photo ops of the Arch Rock!
-The HHIs in the Lilac Parade.

-Those marching guides from the fort.

-The best marching band. Huge and then they'd break, dance and go back to playing!
-The ultimate...Scottville Clown Band.

-I've been finally able to get biking for the season with the better weather. I don't know how many miles I log on M185, but I imagine it's just under 1000.

-Lilacs just started to bloom for the end of the festival.
-The Friends Good Will came up from South Haven.

-The next are many photos from the "original" Butterfly House...which I hadn't been to in forever...I have no idea what kind most of these are, but they are pretty.

-You can walk near the cemeteries, Annex Road and some other places and smell the Lilies of the Valley before you even see them.
-Lady's Slippers.

-The last of the Trillium.

-Blockhouse and lilacs.
-The crew at the barracks for scout dinner.

-An evening shot of the Grand.

-One of my many rounds 'round the island.
-My favorite picture so far this year!

1 comment:

Liz said...

What a great shot!