Monday, July 06, 2009

Fourth, Flowers, Friends

July has been quite the whole summer has been. Things have been at least sunny now!
-Coreopsis along the lakeshore.
-Irises at my house.

-And the purple ones.
-The 4th of July landed on a perfect day on the island.

-Bill helped greet people coming into the fort.
-And Mary at the American Fur Company Store.

-The gals during the evening festivities.

-The boys in blue.

-And the guys in green taking care of it all.

-The small charge of 10 oz.
-The whole crew of '09.

- Now that's more like it.
-We got an Indigo Bunting by the gun platform I've been seeing for years, but finally got a picture!

-The cannon by moonlight.
-Haldimand Bay and down by moonlight.

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