Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Comes in Like a Lion!

At least October did. The first two weekends were rainy, cold, and windy. The boat rides were rockin'. This is an east wind that brought waves over the breakwall. Boats shut down from time to time.

-Jolene and Jennifer cozying up against the weather.

-Mom and Mary enjoying the Cheboygan sunset over the cattail marsh and Lake Huron.

-The almost full moon and the Cheboygan range light.
-Rehersals for "Chicago" at the Cheboygan Opera House. We had a fan appreciation for one song.

-The last day for everyone to go over to the island office. We rode "up top" on the way back. That and there wasn't a lot of room below. Jolene, Troy, John and I braved the elements.

-The colors, especially the summacs, at the fort.

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