Saturday, April 04, 2009

Puerto Rico, El Toro Negro

We started our flight to Puerto Rico in Detroit. Unfortunately, high winds delayed our flights, but then again, after a night in Newark, we got to see the NYC skyline in the morning!

-We arrive in PR around one and instantly our Michigan bodies melted in the heat...not that we had a problem with that. Katie and Michelle, the cousins, enjoying the ride to the car.
-We got the little Kia with the great gas mileage...and the beautiful color!

-We made it quickly to where we were staying in Dorado. The view from the top floor balcony.
-Dorado is basically a resort town plopped in the middle of a small town. You even see people riding horses right downtown. Of course, later, we found this was more of a common occurance than we thought.

-Our first adventure was with Acampa, recommended by Liz, giving us a tour of the El Toro Negro rainforest. Unfortunately, Michelle couldn't come, but maybe the clause about the tour guides being infalliable would have deterred her anyway :-) After a very early morning (5:20) to get through the rush hour we may our pickup point.
-An hour into it, we came to Ruta Panoramica (Hwy 149) and went up some hills and switchbacks I'd be going 5mph on! Here's our view from the base camp.
-Raynar, one of guides, let us have a 200% organic banana. He said something about how it wasn't even grown on a farm, just in the wild, so it's double the organic-ness.

-A partial cut down banana tree on our way to the river. Huge channels and very spongy. They are cut down (see my Israel/West Bank pics) and regrow.
-The group included a missionary, two girls and a group of guys on the island for a bachelor party. On our way to the river.
-This is the lower time for the river. It flows quite high during rainy seasons, which make for a waterfall that goes out further and eats away the rock just in front of the fall.

-The rock was eroded to where it was a cone and 12 feet deep and 3 feet across. Note Frank in the yellow is standing so close, yet, I believe it's one of the Johns, is going right down. Just a little get-you-wet-and-trust exercise.

-Everyone did it and had to keep their arms to the side as not to hit the edges. Raymon, the other guide, pointed and you jumped and he guided you, if necessary. Very cool. You really did have to trust them.
-We carried our helmets and harnesses and they gave us dry bags as we climbed up the river and through waterfalls.

-Our next spot was to get baptized (it was Holy Week, after all) under the waterfall. Sandy's very excited about this.
-Peggy, Katie, Kristina and Sandy feeling very refreshed after.
-We kept climbing till we got to the top waterfall, where we needed our harnesses. So, Raymon checked them out.
-We waited excitedly as Raymon climbed up, sent a rope down and Raynar was the system to keep us from falling.

-I don't know, maybe over 35 feet to the top? This is my kind of vacation.
-Sandy climbing through the falls, where it wasn't so slippery. I'm proud to say the Michigan group did not fall and got up pretty quickly!
-Last one up!
-Another fall and some impatiens awaited us at the top. As did fire ants for me. But I'd rather look at the nice view.
-We found a trumpet flower, which gives you hallucinations for 30 minutes. Sometimes 30 better not to take it.
-Going back to base camp. The pipe going across delivers water to the locals in the area. Several hundred live in the rainforest and the water is so clean they can take it right from the river. We were supposed to wear any bug spray or sunscreen as to keep the water clean.

-Pina! Okay, now we're getting hungry.

-We went back to where they had rice, beans and curry with some kind of meat, ribs, chicken, pork, yucca root with garlic (the white stuff Raymon is mixing) and totones - flattened fried plantain. Amazing.
-Peggy, Sandy and I had a little view, too.
-And then we got more equipment for the second leg.
-Back to trekking through the bananas, plams, figs and oranges.
-The roots of the palms were high to catch water.

-It rained the day before, so everyone got pretty muddy and watched their steps through the trail.

-We got to the first platform and got all our gear on, including gloves, since people tend to grab the cables.

-And we're off...the first zip line was pretty tame to get us used to it all. The second one was called the Roller Coaster. We had four all together - 100 feet above the river and you could look down and see falls. Very fun.

-Inbetween we found snails...
-...and vistas and trees...

-...and more bananas...

-....and falls to play in.

-Really play in!
-And some to drink from.

-Here's a take off...third, I believe.
-And the last landing. More videos on youtube.
-Raymon and Raynar, our excellent guides, taking a break while we play in the water.

-Trekking back after a long day.
-But one more surprise as Raymon found Coqui frog eggs. The little black things are the eyes.

-The Coqui is like the national symbol for Puerto Rico and we heard them all day - Koh-KEEE, Koh-KEEE. Very cute little thing.

-Then back to the restaurant, store, bar, casino...whatever you want it to be. All with "friiiiiiiiies."

-It's quite the hangout for those nearby. And flush toliets! Well...kind of.

1 comment:

Michael Litzner said...

Wonderful pictures Katie C! Looks like you all had a great time and it made me jealous I am stuck in Kansas.