Until I can figure out how to hide these into a link, here they are! Created by Jenny, Stephanie and myself for the Talent/No Talent Show.
Tape LoomSlat, hole, slat, hole, slat.
Up, down, up down, up, TANGLE!
Slat, hole, slat, hole, slat.
Sinclair’sGet in before ten
Beer, clapping, Irish rover.
Pub Runners - Huzzah!
SmithiesA well-shaped forearm.
Hot steel bends on the anvil.
Herb, lung cancer…ew.
RunFort Mackinac ramp.
Greg Hokans running with a tie,
Holding a big box.
BoysFort Mackinac boys
Like to shoot guns and talk -
Sometimes to a guest.
GirlsGirls like dressing up
To be pretty and show off
Lacy petticoats.
GSRsMoney - hard to take
All day in a tiny booth.
Eat a freezie pop.
A big hole, dig in the dirt.
Fish scale, bead, button.
PetticoatsAre you hot in that?
Actually, not so much
Thermo action, man.
HaroldAlgomah in ice.
Went skating again today.
Very pleasant day.
ExperimentsA store clerk watches
Alexis St. Martin - BANG!
Gastric fistula.
RoseSophia Biddle -
1830s hussy, yeah.