Monday, July 24, 2006

Commanding Officer's Ball

For the Commanding Officer's Ball at Michilimackinac, Jenny, Stephanie and I decided earlier this summer to be "Bavarian Pretzel Wenches." We agreed it went better than we even planned.

-Katie and Maria (in her vintage baseball uniform)

-Part of the overnight team: Jenny, Geoff, Maria, Stephanie

-Dr. Wolcott (Steve) and Rosie (Carolyn)

-Crafties, wenches, whatever you want to call us (Jenny, Katie, Carolyn, Maria, Amy, Stephanie, Nicole, Jenn).

-Jenny, Stephanie and's only apple juice. Notice pretzels everywhere. We kind of went crazy. They'd break here and there, too.

- Michilimackinac

- Jerry and Doug, the Pub Runners

- Me and Stephanie at the pub later that night (okay, that's beer, not applejuice. I must say, it's not ours though!).

1 comment:

Lee May said...

The girls look hot! What are you suppose to be, Swiss miss with beers? :-D