Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Canadian Maritime: Heading Out

Heading out through Port Huron, Toronto, we stayed the night in Cornwell. We woke up early and waited for mass to start, so we went to the river (1000 Lakes region) to see the sun go up.
-The geese and ducks enjoyed it, too.

-Mom amongst the colors.
-Steam rising from the river.
-We passed through Montreal and Quebec City (happy 400).
-We took a little detour to Ste. Anne de just don't see Cycloramas anymore!
-Interior. The first chapel was built in 1628. This building is from 1926.

-Main altar.

-Something to do with Poles and Detroit, but haven't found out the meaning...


-Drumlins, or something like them as we headed to New Brunswick.
-Quebec humor.
-Sunset heading into New Brunswick.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hey there Katie I can't wait to see the pics. Also, Can I stay with you the night of 11/13 - the night before the meeting?